What's in a Name?

How You Present Your Business
is critical. Articulate HLC believes that consistent, visual branding is what gets you remembered … and remembered in the way you want them to.

It Starts from Your Logo
and reaches out from there into every part and particle of your business.

Whilst a Picture Can Say a Thousand Words
you still need some actual words, so make them count. Copy needs to be concise, focused, grammatically correct, interesting and … short. People don't read (Dickens said that, by the way … so say it fast, but say it well)! And the message you deliver must be consistent with the rest of the look and feel of your 'brand'.

What Can We Do For You?
Articulate HLC Branding includes Logo, Strapline, Business Stationery, Promotional Materials, Banners, Adverts, Signage, Exhibition Materials ... even customised Guitar Picks.

And To Go With Them ...
Your very own customised CD label!